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    Mardi Gras Season Is Under Way

    The Krewes are making plans and we're arranging music for what is shaping up to be the best Mardi Gras season thus far. In the seven years since Katrina, mardi gras (and the music of mardi gras) has made a slow and steady comeback. For the first time since the storm, we will be fielding a 20 piece orchestra on the Saturday night before Mardi Gras. The theme is set in the early part of the 20th centruy and that calls for big band dance music. It will be a great night. Featured musicians will include Leo Ursini, Denny Leroux, Charles Darius all under the baton of Robert Maxwell. If you'd like to check out the sounds of Mardi Gras, click here for our "At The Mardi Gras Ball CD"

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